Get PayPal Complete Payments with a single integration

PayPal Complete Payments* allow you to expand your business to nearly 200 markets worldwide and offer buyers around the world their preferred payment methods, turning payment into a powerful tool that boosts sales conversion.
Don't have a PayPal account?
Already have a PayPal account?

Drive conversion
Fully compatible payment methods to grow sales.
Reach more customers
Globally trusted and widely favored by overseas buyers.
Increase efficiency
Highly efficient payment management with a single integration.

Unlock multiple payment methods to meet your needs

Increase checkout conversion by 46%
Increase checkout conversion by 46%


Increase checkout conversion by 46%1

PayPal can increase checkout conversion by 46%. 1

There are over 400 million 2 active PayPal users worldwide. 43% 3 of users abandon their cart when PayPal is absent at checkout.

PayPal supports close to 200 countries and regions, with transactions in 22 currencies. Users are 74% more likely to complete a purchase from unknown merchants when PayPal is present at checkout. 4

Funds are transferred within minutes, accelerating cash flow for businesses.

Adding Apple Pay** drives checkout conversion by 17%
Adding Apple Pay** drives checkout conversion by 17%

Apple Pay** and Google Pay

Adding Apple Pay** drives checkout conversion by 17%5

Adding both PayPal and Apple Pay** can increase checkout conversion by 17%. 5

Reach a large number of Apple Pay** and Google Pay users.

Quick activation with no additional set-up fees.

Boost average transaction value by 30% - 55%
Boost average transaction value by 30% - 55%

PayPal Pay Later

Boost average transaction value by 30% - 55%6

Pay Later increases average transaction value by 55% for large businesses and 30% for small and medium-sized businesses. 6

Available in 7 major global markets 7, with active users growing 60% year-on-year. 8

Global approval rate for buyer installments is as high as 90% 9, with Pay Later notifications further boosting sales by 6%-18%. 10

Buyers pay in installments and sellers receive full payment within minutes.

Provide safe and compliant card payment transactions
Provide safe and compliant card payment transactions

Credit/Debit Card Payments

Provide safe and compliant card payment transactions

Supports more than 10 major card types, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

24/7 fraud protection to safeguard transactions.

Access to 50% of the online shopping market, excluding digital wallets. 11

Quick activation with no additional set-up fees.

Free registration with zero set-up fees
No additional set-up fees
Only standard transaction fees upon funds receival
Transparent rates with no hidden charges

Interested in the PayPal Complete Payments? If you are not yet using PayPal for cross-border business, click the "Contact Sales" button. We will get in touch with you to match you with the right payment solution for your needs.

Upgrade now and unlock multiple payment methods

Already using PayPal for cross-border business? Select the upgrade guide based on how you would like to integrate with the PayPal Complete Payments.

Upgrade via e-commerce site building platform
Upgrade as PayPal direct merchants
Click on the platform logo to download the integration guide
Standard Integration Guide
PayPal Pay Later
Credit/Debit Card Payments
Apple Pay** Integration Guide
Google Pay Integration Guide

More payment methods to meet more business needs

  • *PayPal Complete Payments are part of PayPal Worldwide Services (as defined in the User Agreement below). Prior to applying for PayPal Worldwide Services, you need to accept User Agreement for PayPal China Cross-Border Payment Services and register your PayPal account through, the official Chinese website managed by PayPal. PayPal Worldwide Services are provided to you pursuant to PayPal Worldwide Terms by a PayPal affiliate, which co-operates with us in providing cross-border services.
  • **Apple Pay is a service provided by certain Apple affiliates, as designated by the Apple Pay privacy notice. Neither Apple Inc. nor its affiliates are a bank. Any card used in Apple Pay is offered by the card issuer.
  • 1Nielsen, commissioned by PayPal, Nielsen Behavioral Panel of USA with 29K monthly average SMB desktop purchase transactions, from 13K consumers between April 2022 March 2023. Checkout conversion measured from the point at which customer starts to pay on PayPal accepting websites.
  • 2PayPal's official global statistics. Active users worldwide: The sum of active merchant and consumer accounts as of the end of Q2 2024.
  • 3Forrester, commissioned by PayPal. December 2022. An online survey conducted by Forrester of 5,036 respondents across US, UK, France, Germany, Australia (1000 per country) age: 18-65 , including 15-20 questions. Base: 5,036 global consumers in five markets: the US, UK, Australia, Germany and France.
  • 4Nielsen Survey, commissioned by PayPal, Nielsen Media Attitudinal Survey of USA (Feb 2023) with 3,999 recent purchasers (past 2 weeks) from large enterprise merchants, including 1,999 PayPal transactions & 2,000 non-PayPal transactions. Base N. PayPal users = 3,350.
  • 5Based on PayPal internal data from Q1, 2023.
  • 6Based on PayPal Internal Data Analysis of 254 Large Enterprise Retailers with PayPal Pay Later messaging from 1/1/22-12/31/22. Large Enterprise defined as >$60M in online commerce payment volume in US; Based on PayPal Internal Data Analysis of 68,374 SMB across integrated partners and non-integrated partners, November 2022. Data inclusive of PayPal Pay Later product use across 7 markets.
  • 7PayPal Pay Later is available only in the US, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
  • 8Based on PayPal internal data from 1/1/2023-1/1/2024. Data inclusive of PayPal Pay Later product use across 7 regions: the United States, United Kingdom (three-installment payments), Australia, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany.
  • 9Based on PayPal internal analysis occurring July 2022 - July 2023.
  • 10Based on 3 data resources: 1) PayPal internal data from Q1 2022, results include Pay in 3 (UK); 2) Analysis of small medium business retailers with PayPal Pay Later messaging, PayPal US internal data from October 2020 - August 2023; 3) ACA Research, PayPal Australia eCommerce Index Report 2023 (commissioned by PayPal Australia).
  • 11Based on World Pay 2024 Global Payments Report.

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